Business activities, type and size of organization: Kaunas University of Technology is the largest technical university in the Baltic States. Dating back to 1922, the University has developed a great potential for studies and research, and became visible in the international arena. KTU is famous throughout the world for its breakthroughs in ultrasound, organic chemistry, mechatronics, system diagnostics, environmental engineering and in many other fields of science. KTU successfully implements European education programmes and closely collaborates with Lithuanian and foreign industry. It’s scientists carry out 70 per cent of country’s higher education researches for business.
Project and Contractual role: KTU will be responsible for influence assessment of fire sprinkler piping surface coatings on MRUT performance, construction of dispersion curves related to fire sprinkler piping, design of ultrasonic guided waves focusing techniques to improve sensitivity of defect detection and circumferential and axial propagation of guided waves combination to facilitate evaluation. Except leading WP2, KTU, along with the other RTDs, will participate in the WPs related to the project specifications, the laboratory trials and the validation of the prototype system as well as and the dissemination and exploitation of the research results.
Involvement and Qualifications for role: The Ultrasound Institute of KTU represents ultrasonic research groups at Kaunas University and has experience in different areas of ultrasonic techniques for aerospace industry, nuclear plants, space research, manufacturing processes, flow measurements of gases & liquids, development of NDT techniques for composite materials. 5 members possess Level 3 in ultrasonic NDT according to EN473 and are members of the Commission of Experts for Qualification of Non-Destructive Tests (COENDT). Research activities include ultrasonic NDT&E, industrial measurements, simulation and signal processing and investigation of material properties by ultrasonic techniques.
Representatives: Prof Rymantas Kazys is the Director of Ultrasound Institute of Kaunas University of Technology. He has extensive expertise in ultrasonic inspection systems with many scientific publications in ultrasound and NDT and he is responsible for numerous researches, educational and industrial programs in the NDT section.
Dr. Renaldas Raisutis is a senior researcher at the Ultrasound Institute and his scientific area of expertise is in non-destructive testing and diagnostics techniques and ultrasonic signal and image processing. He has more than 5 years of working experience in research programmes and has been involved in more than 10 funded projects.
Project Committee Member: Prof Rymantas Kazys (Principal Researcher)