Project Partners

Tecnitest, Spain (SME)

Business activities, type and size of organization: Tecnitest is a non-destructive testing engineering company developing and marketing the most efficient solutions to particular inspection needs, together with an outstanding technical service. Tecnitest activity addresses all industrial sectors and comprises all NDT methods, paying special attention to the use of advance technologies and innovation with a clearly defined goal: optimisation of inspection cost, time and reliability.  This activity includes the distribution of a complete range of NDT equipment and accessories, level 3 services and technical advice, training in NDT and development of non-destructive inspection systems. Tecnitest also manufactures ultrasonic transducers for special applications. For specific NDT application requirements, Tecnitest has experience in development of a range of automatic systems for the international market, putting together outstanding NDT equipment with own designed mechanics, electronics and software.

Project and Contractual role: Tecnitest will be the leader of WP1 concerning system specifications and WP5 related with the laboratory- field trials and the final system integration. Tecnitest will also assume the role of Exploitation and Dissemination Manager, responsible for the commercialisation of the project results.

Future Products: Medium range ultrasonic (MRUT) guided wave technique.

Expected derived benefits from project: Tecnitest will gain new scientific knowledge and experience on a validated Medium Range Guided Waves technique for automatic fire sprinkler testing, which they can supply to their customers. We have given them control of the project IPR as they are in the best position to protect the developed technology. With this new product available to them, Tecnitest will increase their turnover and profit and therefore be able to expand their business.

Representatives: Mr Diego Florez, Managing Director and R &D Manager of Tecnitest. His expertise is in NDT & E for the characterisation of materials and structures. He has 15 years of working experience in research programmes and collaborations. Mr Florez has a team of 5 engineers consisting of software development, electronics designers and sensor technologists.