Business activities, type and size of organization: WLB Ltd is one of the most specialised companies of Technology and Consulting services in Cyprus offering a completed spectrum of solutions in the fields of Software Development and Consulting Services in the sectors of Telecommunications Technology and Information technology. Since its foundation in 2007, WLB has focused on the development of professional content management products and applications and has acquired an extensive client base that spans all fundamental market segments. WLB is expanding in the market as a software vendor, with extensive experience accrued from over 20 projects covering various markets and industry sectors. WLB's portfolio consists of software platforms focused on the sectors of eCulture, eLearning, eTourism and eGovernment, Virtual and mixed Reality whilst during last 2 years it is extended to mobile applications.
Project and Contractual role: WLB will develop the software of the SprinkTest system. They will collaborate with all three RTDs (PI, Innora and KTU) for the development of a dedicated technical software, operating on a (ideally any) personal digital assistant, for signal processing when multiple guide wave modes are present. They will be in be in charge of the software’s production and commercialisation, which, conveniently modified, may have a wide range of new applications, not only in corrosion inspection in automatic fire sprinkler systems but also in inspection of other materials and structures. WLB will also participate in WP6 related to dissemination and exploitation of the results.
Future Products: Advanced signal acquisition & GUI, transducer interfaces and embedded software for use in the UT inspection services. This technology complements the existing range of products.
Expected derived benefits from project: WLB will gain new scientific knowledge on the development and application of technical software and man-machine interface. It will have a unique position in the future SprinkTest supply chain with a royalty free license of the patentable software tool. Furthermore, they will have the ability to increase their turnover and be able to expand their business into innovative NDT inspection systems.
Representatives: Mrs Silvia Sotiropoulou (Manager),has a degree in Business and Finance and she is currently employed as Operations Manager in WLB Ltd providing management and financial services. She is an expert in managing and financially implementing large scale of Information Technology, consulting and science communication projects.