Project Partners


Business activities, type and size of organization: TWI is a world leading independent research and technology organisation.  Established in 1946 with headquarters at Granta Park near Cambridge, TWI provides industry with engineering and manufacturing solutions for structures incorporating joining and associated technologies (NDT, surfacing, coating, additive manufacture, cutting, etc.) through information and technology transfer; consultancy and project support; generic research, contract R&D; and training, qualification and professional society membership.  It is the only single source of expertise in every aspect of joining technology for engineering materials - metals, plastics, ceramics, composites and electronic assemblies – from materials selection, through manufacture, to in service performance. TWI undertakes contract R&D in confidence for both industry and governments.  It can offer individual experts or teams to help solve problems of all kinds related to materials joining.

Project and Contractual role: TWI is the project Coordinator, heavily involved in WP3, as well as contributing to system specifications. It also leads WP7 concerning the project training programme.

Involvement and Qualifications for role: TWI is recognised worldwide as a leading authority in guided wave ultrasonics. TWI has been carrying out R&D in guided waves for over 10 years.

Research Personnel & Representatives: Mr Matthew Deere is Project Leader at TWI, a role that he has filled since 2010. During his tenure he has contributed to a series of guided wave related innovations. Project Coordinator – Project Committee Member: Mr Matthew Deere.